Computed tomography (Ct-Scan)

Duration of the exam: 15 minutes
Expenses NOT covered by the RAMQ
To Expect

1. Description

Like general radiology, computed tomography uses x-ray beams to image certain body parts. The beam is, however, much thinner (collimation is very tight) and the rays having passed through the structures to be studied, are collected by multiple sensors spiraling around the region under study. For further details, the Wikipedia website explains the exam very well.
This test is very useful in the investigation of several pathologies. In some situations, an iodine injection will be required to verify the vascularisation of lesions or make them stand out with more contrast. Our staff will check your iodine allergy history and also check your kidney function, as these can sometimes pose a problem. If necessary, a creatinine test (which evaluates kidney function) will be offered. If iodine reaction risks are present, we will try as much as possible to avoid this injection and if necessary, we will use another method, which does not require the injection.

2. To Expect


Upon arrival, you will need to register at reception and if it is your first visit here, open a file. You will need to bring with you a valid insurance card, as well as a medical prescription signed by your referring physician, containing your medical information (if it has not already been sent via Fax or the internet). You are required to arrive 15 minutes before your appointment.


Our staff will accompany you to the pertinent area. If necessary you may need to remove some of your clothing and put on a jacket. You will need to complete a short questionnaire about your medical condition. You will then lie down on the examining table. It is possible that a solution will be given to allow the injection of iodine. The technologist will give you all the instructions required during the test.


Most studies are done in less than 15 minutes. Sometimes additional cuts may need to be made (delay cuts), which might lengthen the exam. Allow an hour in the room in total.

3. Appointment

This test is performed by appointment only. Please contact us fax : 450-904-0405 or by mail : We will do everything in our power to accommodate your needs.

4. Preparation

In case iodine injections are planned, you should stay well hydrated before and after the procedure. In some cases, we will ask you to send us the results of a recent creatinine test (evaluation of renal function). If this is not possible, the test may be done at our facility at a minimal cost.

5. Costs

CT scans are not covered by the RAMQ.

6. Results

The test is generally interpreted on the same day and your physician will receive the results within 2 to 5 days.


A member of our team will contact you
to offer you an appointment.