
Duration of the exam: 15 minutes
Expense covered by the RAMQ
To Expect

1. Description

Ultrasound is an imaging modality that is very different from conventional radiology. Indeed, it does not use radiation to produce images. It is rather an ultrasonic beam, safe, which is directed at the area to be evaluated. The organ studied reflects the sound echoes, which are taken up again by the emitting probe. Powerful reconstruction software creates an image of the organ, allowing the radiologist to make a diagnosis.

Like any imaging examination, ultrasound has its strengths and weaknesses. Completely useless in the investigation of bone damage (ultrasound cannot cross these structures), of the lung, and other organs containing air (ultrasound does not travel through the air); it is a powerful investigative tool in many other situations.

Thus, all the solid organs of the abdomen (liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and other), the gynecological structures and the prostate organs are advantageously imaged by this type of investigation.

Ultrasound is also proving useful in the investigation of soft tissue lesions and superficial structures, such as the thyroid or the breast.

Finally, it is increasingly used in osteoarticular investigation, whether of the shoulder, elbow, wrist, or ankle. In all these studies, it is also possible to add a Doppler component, which allows us to evaluate the vascularisation of the organ being investigated.

2. Appointment

This test is performed by appointment only. Please contact us fax : 450-904-0405, or by mail : info@radiologiedix30.com. We will do everything in our power to accommodate your needs.

3. Preparation

Abdominal evaluations usually require fasting for 6 hours. Pelvic evaluations require a full bladder. Specific instructions will be given by our staff when making appointments, if necessary.

4. To Expect


Upon arrival, you will need to register at reception and if it is your first visit here, open a file. You will need to bring with you a valid insurance card, as well as a medical prescription signed by your treating physician, containing your medical information (if it has not already been sent via Fax or internet). You are required to arrive 15 minutes before your appointment.


Our staff will accompany you to the pertinent area. If necessary, you will need to remove some clothing and put on a jacket. The technologist will perform the evaluation of the region involved. A conductive gel will be applied to the skin. This product is odorless and does not stain clothing. The images will then be reviewed by the radiologist and if necessary, he/she will complete the test by taking additional pictures if required.


Depending on the area being tested, the length of the test varies between 5 and 15 minutes.

5. Costs

Ultrasound test are now covered by the RAMQ.

6. Results

The test is generally interpreted on the same day and your physician will receive the results within 2 to 5 days. Since all tests are routinely reviewed immediately by the radiologist, it is often possible to get a verbal report of the examination upon completion.


A member of our team will contact you
to offer you an appointment.