General radiology

Duration of the exam: 10 minutes
Expenses covered by the RAMQ
To Expect

1. Costs

All tests are covered by the RAMQ. No additional fee is to be paid.

2. Description

General radiology may be simply summarised as a picture of the inside of your body, which allows viewing of various specific injuries or conditions (fracture, pneumonia, tumour or others), invisible to the naked eye.

Radiology uses an X-ray source that passes through tissues to be imaged and impregnated with a digital sensor, located behind the study area.

The simplest analogy to understand this is that of the camera, in which ambient light is replaced by the x-ray source and the photographic film by a detector. The quantity of light (x-ray) reaching the photographic film (digital plate) is a function of the density of the tissues traversed by the beam. The denser the tissue (e.g., bone), the fewer rays reach the plate and the denser the structure appears in the image (white). Conversely, the more the structure traversed is formed of air (e.g., the lungs), the more rays reach the plate and the less dense the image will appear (it thus will be darker). Between deep black and opaque white, there is a whole grey scale, which will depend on the tissue density and will allow the reproduction of an image of the structures.

For a long time, the image collected following the exposure was set on film containing silver salts, then developed according to the same principle as a standard photographic film.

Nowadays, these methods have been almost entirely discarded and the image is collected using a digital sensor, in which each pixel is impregnated with an amount of radiation, which is then converted into images. This allows better handling of the image (grey scale) and a greater diagnostic accuracy. Other advantages are also discussed in relation to the safeguarding, the transmission of images (PACS system) and teleradiology.

3. To Expect

Almost all parts of the body may be analysed in general radiology.

The most common exams cover the lungs, thorax, abdomen, spine and pelvis, head and neck, upper and lower limbs as well as bone series.


Upon arrival, you will need to register at reception and if it is your first visit here, open a file. You will need to bring with you a valid insurance card, and a medical prescription signed by your treating physician, containing your medical information.


Our staff will accompany you to the dedicated waiting room.Depending on the area to be x-rayed, it is possible that you may need to remove your clothing and put on a jacket. Any metal object that could potentially interfere with the image (e.g., jewellery), must be removed to avoid creating artifacts or hide potential anomalies. The technologist responsible for performing the examination, will position the structure to be evaluated (lung, head, neck, etc.) in different axes, to allow the radiologist to interpret it and issue a report.


The test usually takes only a few minutes. The digital technology used is much faster than the old one, which involved the development of films. This lesser amount of handling results in a shorter processing period and improved efficiency. Of course, the total amount time you are at the clinic will vary depending on the number of other patients; these tests are performed without an appointment.

4. Appointment

All tests are done without an appointment. Call us at 450-904-0404 with any questions or check our hours of operation.

Note that we offer extended hours of operation. In addition, the clinic is open 365 days a year; hours of operation may vary, however. It is therefore important to check our hours before you come.

5. Preparation

No advance preparation is required. As mentioned, according to the area to be studied, it is possible that you may have to undress and put on a jacket, in addition to removing your jewellery or other metal objects as needed.

6. Results

The test is generally interpreted on the same day and your physician will receive the results within 24 to 48 hours.

On demand, a preliminary or priority report may be sent handwritten to the requesting doctor.


A member of our team will contact you
to offer you an appointment.